About Us


Hi I’m Hayley! Welcome to Bored Bugs, it’s so lovely to have you here.

In 2021 my life changed in the best way possible when I became a mama to our beautiful girl Romi. If life wasn’t crazy enough during that first year of parenthood, we quickly added another addition to our family in 2022 and welcomed our little man Jamesy just 13 months later. After 2 years as a stay at home mum, I found myself ready to reignite my creative side and try something I’d never really done before. Turns out a DIY project was calling my name and that’s when my passion project Bored Bugs was born!

Having two babies so close in age, I quickly understood the importance of finding activities that can not only keep our little ones entertained and stimulated, but also captivate their curiosity and senses! That's why I have poured my heart and soul into designing and creating these handmade busy boards that not only provide endless hours of fun, but also encourage early learning and development.

I am so excited to grow Bored Bugs and bring more sensory items for your little ones so stay tuned for what's to come!

Hayley x